Labeling Controls

in Forms Tutorial

Provide labels to identify all form controls, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down menus. In most cases, this is done by using the <label> element.

Labels need to describe the purpose of the form control. This section of the tutorial describes how to provide labels that are properly associated with form controls. Later sections explain how to provide instructions, validate user input, and provide feedback to help users complete your form.

A label and a form control should be associated with each other either implicitly or explicitly. Web browsers provide the label as a larger clickable area, for example, to select or activate the control. It also ensures that assistive technology can refer to the correct label when presenting a form control.

Associating labels explicitly

Whenever possible, use the label element to associate text with form elements explicitly. The for attribute of the label must exactly match the id of the form control.

Hiding label text

A label for a form control helps everyone better understand its purpose. In some cases, the purpose may be clear enough from the context when the content is rendered visually. The label can be hidden visually, though it still needs to be provided within the code to support other forms of presentation and interaction, such as for screen reader and speech input users. The method used in this tutorial to hide an element visually but make it available for assistive technologies is explained in Note on hiding element.

In the example below, the search field is positioned directly beside the search button. The purpose of the text input field is evident from the context in most situations.

Hiding the label element

In this approach, the <label> element is provided to identify a form control within the code, but it is visually hidden to avoid redundancy for users who can derive the purpose from the visual cues.

Using aria-label

The aria-label attribute can also be used to identify form controls. This approach is well supported by screen readers and other assistive technology, but, unlike the title attribute (see below), the information is not conveyed to visual users. The approach should therefore only be used when the label of the control is clear from the surrounding content, like the button in the example below.

Using aria-labelledby

The aria-labelledby attribute can also be used to identify form controls. This approach is well supported by screen readers and other assistive technology, but, unlike the title attribute (see below), the information is not conveyed to visual users. The approach should therefore only be used when the label of the control is clear from the surrounding content, like the button in the example below.

The id of the element containing the label text is used as the value of the aria-labelledby attribute.

Using the title attribute

The title attribute can also be used to identify form controls. This approach is generally less reliable and not recommended because some screen readers and assistive technologies do not interpret the title attribute as a replacement for the label element, possibly because the title attribute is often used to provide non-essential information. The information of the title attribute is shown to visual users as a tool tip when hovering over the form field with the mouse.

Note on hiding elements

Screen readers and other assistive technology, just as web browsers, hide elements from their users when they are styled using display: none; and visibility: hidden;.

The common approach used to hide information visually but keep them available to screen reader and other assistive technology users is to use CSS that will keep the information technically visible but practically hidden. For example, presenting the label in a 1-by-1 pixel area, as demonstrated with the CSS class visuallyhidden (do not confuse with CSS visibility: hidden) below:

Note that interactive elements are still active when using this code, so it is not suitable to hide other parts of forms but the labels.

Associating labels implicitly

In some situations, form controls cannot be labeled explicitly. For example, a content author might not know the id of a form field generated by a script, or that script might not add an id at all. In this case, the label element is used as a container for both the form control and the label text, so that the two are associated implicitly. Generally, explicit labels are better supported by assistive technology.

Labeling buttons

The label of a <button> element is set inside the element and can include markup. This allows more advanced accessibility hints to be included, like marking up language change. When using the <input> element to create buttons, the label is set in the value attribute of the element.

Visual position of label text

In left-to-right languages, it is customary to visually position labels to the right of radio buttons and checkboxes, and to the left or directly above other form fields. Maintaining this practice increases predictability and understandability of your form for all users.

In general, placing labels above the form fields helps reduce horizontal scrolling for people with low vision and mobile device users. However, the usefulness of this approach depends on other design aspects, such as the proximity of other nearby form fields and content, and needs to be assessed individually. The aim should be to maintain a close and distinct visual relationship between the label and the form control.

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